We hope that you will have no concern about the quality of the work which we have carried out on your behalf but if you should feel that you have cause for complaint, it is the policy of the firm to do all we can, as quickly as we can, to resolve the problem to your satisfaction.  Our complaints procedures are as follows:

·         In the first instance, please raise any concerns you may have with the person dealing with your file.  We find that complaints by clients of the firm are very rare but, in such cases, the vast majority can be resolved quickly by raising the matter with the person dealing with the case.  Do not be reluctant to discuss the problem face to face.  It is often far easier to resolve a problem by way of a frank and open discussion rather than by correspondence.  There is no question of your being charged for any time taken during these discussions.

·         The person dealing with your complaint will immediately send a memorandum to Partner/Owner.   This memorandum will detail the complaint, record any action already taken and any action proposed.  The Partner/Owner will then monitor the complaint until it is resolved.

·         In the unlikely event of the problem not being resolved to your satisfaction, please contact Nicky Goodman direct, who will be dealing with your complaint, and you will be notified in writing.

·         The Partner/Owner will review your file as a matter of urgency and may ask you to call into the office for further discussions.

·         Once the investigation has been completed, the Partner/Owner will give you a response in writing.  In appropriate cases she will also recommend corrective action.

·         If you remain dissatisfied, having exhausted these procedures, you should refer your complaint to

Please be assured that we value our clients and will do all we possibly can to satisfy your concerns.